Niccolò da Foligno - Crucifixion

Niccolò da Foligno
1435 - 1502
33.0 x 21.0 cm
Tempera on panel
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


Sale, Richard von Kaufmann (1849-1908, Berlin), Berlin (Cassirer & Helbing), 4 December 1917 sqq., nr. 15, as Italienischer Meister des 14. Jahrhunderts, DM 3,500, to Prof. Dr Otto Lanz (1865-1935), Amsterdam
his widow, Anna Theresia Elisabeth Lanz - Willi (1870 - 1954), Amsterdam, 1935
from whom, CHF 2,000,000 and fl. 350,000, with xx other paintings, to Hans Posse (1879-1942), for Adolf Hitler’s Führermuseum, Linz, through the mediation of the dealer N. Katz, 1941
war recuperation, SNK, 7 November 1945 (inv. no. NK 2314)
on loan from the DRVK to the museum, 1952 (inv. no. SK-C-1434)
transferred to the museum, 1960

External links

Rijksmuseum Accession number SK-A-4008