Atributed to Leandro Bassano

Portrait of Doge Marcantonio Memmo

Atributed to Leandro Bassano - Portrait of Doge Marcantonio Memmo

Atributed to Leandro Bassano
Portrait of Doge Marcantonio Memmo
c. 1612-15
137 x 107 cm
Oil on canvas
Collection of Hopetoun House, South Queensferry


Acquired by Andrew Wilson in Genoa for the 5th Earl of Hopetoun
by descent to the present owner

Other works by Leandro Bassano

Leandro Bassano An Allegory of Summer
An Allegory of Summer

Attributed to Leandro Bassano Portrait of a cardinal
Portrait of a cardinal

Leandro Bassano Fra Gioacchino Torriani
Fra Gioacchino Torriani
c. 1600

Attributed to Leandro Bassano and workshop The Element of Water
The Element of Water
c. 1600

Leandro Bassano Portrait of a Widow at her Devotions
Portrait of a Widow at her Devotions
c. 1590-1600