Edward Coley Burne-Jones

Danaë in the Brazen Tower

Edward Coley Burne-Jones - Danaë in the Brazen Tower

Edward Coley Burne-Jones
Danaë in the Brazen Tower
359 x 254 mm
Pencil, watercolour and bodycolour heightened with touches of gum arabic, and with scratching out on paper
Sale Christie's, London, 11 December 2018


The artist, by whom given to his daughter,
Margaret Mackail (1866-1953), and by descent to her daughter,
Angela Margaret Thirkell (née Mackail) (1890-1966), and by descent to her son,
Graham Campbell McInnes (1912-1970), and by descent to his daughter
sale Christie's, London, 11 December 2018, nr. 104

Other works by Edward Coley Burne-Jones

Edward Coley Burne-Jones Caricature of a fat man
Caricature of a fat man

Edward Coley Burne-Jones The Wood-Nymph
The Wood-Nymph

Edward Coley Burne-Jones Portrait of Alice Macdonald Fleming, née Kipling (1868-1948), in profile
Portrait of Alice Macdonald Fleming, née Kipling (1868-1948), in profile

Edward Coley Burne-Jones The Whirlwind
The Whirlwind

Edward Coley Burne-Jones Portrait of James Wilks, seated
Portrait of James Wilks, seated