Henry Ossawa Tanner

Invitation to Christ to Enter by his Disciples at Emmaus

Henry Ossawa Tanner - Invitation to Christ to Enter by his Disciples at Emmaus

Henry Ossawa Tanner
Invitation to Christ to Enter by his Disciples at Emmaus
49.5 x 58.7 cm
Oil on canvas
Signed lower left: H.O. Tanner
Sale Christie's, New York, 20 November 2018


Marius Goring, East Sussex, England, by 1998
by descent to the present owner
sale Christie's, New York, 20 November 2018, nr. 42

Other works by Henry Ossawa Tanner

Henry Ossawa Tanner Christ and His Disciples on the Bethany Road
Christ and His Disciples on the Bethany Road
c. 1905

Henry Ossawa Tanner Virgin and Child
Virgin and Child

Henry Ossawa Tanner The Young Sabot Maker
The Young Sabot Maker

Henry Ossawa Tanner Resurrection of Lazarus
Resurrection of Lazarus

Henry Ossawa Tanner The Two Disciples at the Tomb
The Two Disciples at the Tomb
c. 1906