Studio of Johann Heinrich Roos

A shepherdess with a child resting in a rocky landscape with her flock

Studio of Johann Heinrich Roos - A shepherdess with a child resting in a rocky landscape with her flock

Studio of Johann Heinrich Roos
A shepherdess with a child resting in a rocky landscape with her flock
66.3 x 80.7 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, New York, 15 April 2021


Sale Lempertz, Cologne, 12 December 1992, nr. 137
sale Christie's, Amsterdam, 7 May 1996, nr. 26 (as signed(?) strengthened HRroos (lower right))
sale Bonhams, New York, 15 April 2021, nr. 119 (bought-in)

Other works by Johann Heinrich Roos

Johann Heinrich Roos Cattle and goats in a landscape
Cattle and goats in a landscape

Circle of Johann Heinrich Roos An Italianate landscape with a drover and his herd
An Italianate landscape with a drover and his herd

Johann Heinrich Roos The Annunciation to the Shepherds
The Annunciation to the Shepherds

Johann Heinrich Roos Italian Landscape with Animals
Italian Landscape with Animals

Johann Heinrich Roos An Italianate landscape with drovers and cattle, a hilltop village beyond
An Italianate landscape with drovers and cattle, a hilltop village beyond