Jacob van Ruisdael

Wooded Landscape with Two Large Oaks

Jacob van Ruisdael - Wooded Landscape with Two Large Oaks

Jacob van Ruisdael
Wooded Landscape with Two Large Oaks
78 x 98 cm
Oil on canvas
Formerly Count Zhubov, Berlin


Catalogues raisonnés
Ros 377a
Slive 319

Other works by Jacob van Ruisdael

Jacob van Ruisdael Road in a Village
Road in a Village

Jacob van Ruisdael Winter Landscape with Men Playing Kolf
Winter Landscape with Men Playing Kolf

Jacob van Ruisdael Wooded Landscape with a Large Beech Tree
Wooded Landscape with a Large Beech Tree

Jacob van Ruisdael Road in a Wooded Landscape
Road in a Wooded Landscape

Jacob van Ruisdael River Landscape with a High Sandy Bank
River Landscape with a High Sandy Bank