Henry Raeburn

Pringle Fraser


Henry Raeburn - Pringle Fraser

Henry Raeburn
Pringle Fraser
c. 1804
66 x 55.2 cm
Oil on canvas
Tate Gallery, London
Bequeathed by Mrs Mary Woodgate Wharrie 1937

Other works by Henry Raeburn

Henry Raeburn Henry Mackenzie
Henry Mackenzie
c. 1810

Attributed to Henry Raeburn Alexander Gordon, 4th Duke of Gordon
Alexander Gordon, 4th Duke of Gordon

Henry Raeburn Helen Boyle, Mrs Thomas Mure (before 1776-1805)
Helen Boyle, Mrs Thomas Mure (before 1776-1805)
c. 1790

Henry Raeburn John Home
John Home
c. 1795-1800

Henry Raeburn John Campbell Senior of Morriston (c.1734-1808)
John Campbell Senior of Morriston (c.1734-1808)