Thomas Rowlandson

A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

Thomas Rowlandson - A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

Thomas Rowlandson
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
167 x 138 mm
Pen, ink and watercolour on paper
Sale Bonhams, New York, 15 April 2021


With Leger Galleries, London, where purchased by the present owner's late father in 1961
sale Bonhams, New York, 15 April 2021, nr. 246

Other works by Thomas Rowlandson

Thomas Rowlandson Figures boating before a country house
Figures boating before a country house

Thomas Rowlandson A Racing Scene
A Racing Scene

Thomas Rowlandson The Suppliant
The Suppliant

Thomas Rowlandson Rooks waiting for Pigeons
Rooks waiting for Pigeons

Thomas Rowlandson When the old fool has drunk his wine, and gone to rest, I'll be thine
When the old fool has drunk his wine, and gone to rest, I'll be thine