Jacob van Ruisdael

Waterfall with a Steep Hill and Cottages

Jacob van Ruisdael - Waterfall with a Steep Hill and Cottages

Jacob van Ruisdael
Waterfall with a Steep Hill and Cottages
106.7 x 150.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Private collection, Scotland


HdG 252
Slive 278


Sale Henry Croese Ez (1762-1838), v.d. Schley, Amsterdam, 18 September 1811, nr. 74
J. Campbell, London, 1831
bought by John Smith and sold to Héris of Brussels
Baron J.G. Verstolk van Soelen, The Hague, by 1835
Verstolk's pictures were sold after his death in 1846, one was acquired by the King of Holland and the remaining ninety-nine were divided between four purchasers, Thomas Baring, Hunmphrey St. John Mildmay, S. Jones Loyd and Chaplin through whom the purchase was made. the present picture was acquired by Loyd (later Lord Overstone)
by descent to his daughter, Lady Wantage, London
private collection, Scotland

Other works by Jacob van Ruisdael

Jacob van Ruisdael Forest Scene
Forest Scene

Jacob van Ruisdael Two Water Mills and an Open Sluice
Two Water Mills and an Open Sluice

Jacob van Ruisdael Landscape with a Waterfall
Landscape with a Waterfall

Jacob van Ruisdael Rocky Landscape with a Waterfall
Rocky Landscape with a Waterfall

Jacob van Ruisdael Mountainous Landscape with a Waterfall
Mountainous Landscape with a Waterfall