John Hoppner

Portrait of William Gifford reading a book

John Hoppner - Portrait of William Gifford reading a book

John Hoppner
Portrait of William Gifford reading a book
76.2 x 63.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, New York, 15 April 2021


Sale, Christie's, London, 13 May 1899
Collection of George W. Agnew
with Agnew's London, 1966
collection of the Hon. Mrs. Price, Frankton Manor, Rugby, 1970
sale Bonhams, London, 17 December 2020, nr. 53 (bought-in)
sale Bonhams, New York, 15 April 2021, nr. 79

Other works by John Hoppner

John Hoppner Portrait of the Right Honourable William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806)
Portrait of the Right Honourable William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806)

Attributed to John Hoppner Portrait of Peter Leopold Nassau Cowper, 5th Earl Cowper
Portrait of Peter Leopold Nassau Cowper, 5th Earl Cowper

John Hoppner Portrait of Miss Ann Anguish, half-length
Portrait of Miss Ann Anguish, half-length

John Hoppner Portrait of Thomas Norton of Kingston Bowsey, full-length, with his horse and dog
Portrait of Thomas Norton of Kingston Bowsey, full-length, with his horse and dog

John Hoppner A nymph
A nymph