Manet's studio inventory, 1884, nr. 60, ff 50
artist's estate sale, Paris, Drouot, 4-5 February 1884, nr. 29, La jeune femme au manchon, 73.5 x 60 cm
bought back by Mrs. Manet (née Leenhoff) for ff 170
Auguste Pellerin, Paris, by 1910
Jules Strauss, Paris, by 1912
Paris sale, Georges Petit, 15 December 1932, nr. 48, repr., Portrait de Berthe Morisot au Manchon, peint au cours de l'hiver de 1868-69 dans l'atelier de la rue Guyot (acc. to Bataille 1933, as bought for ff 360,000 by Turner in London)
Jacques Balsan, Paris, by 1935
consigned by Mrs. Balsan to
Knoedler, N.Y. (stock number ca 2985) in November 1947, who sold it the same month to Leonard C. Hanna, Cleveland
bequeathed to the CMA in 1958