Jan van Kessel

Insects and Fruit


Jan van Kessel - Insects and Fruit

Jan van Kessel
Insects and Fruit
c. 1653-61
10.9 x 14.6 cm
Oil on copper
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

External links

RKD 26806
Rijksmuseum Accession number SK-A-793

Other works by Jan van Kessel the Elder

Jan van Kessel the Elder Allegory of air
Allegory of air

Jan van Kessel the Elder Still Life of Fish in a Harbour Landscape
Still Life of Fish in a Harbour Landscape

Jan van Kessel the Elder Grapes, peaches, cranberries, flowers and butterflies, in a porcelain bowl on a wooden ledge
Grapes, peaches, cranberries, flowers and butterflies, in a porcelain bowl on a wooden ledge

Jan van Kessel the Elder Grapes, blackberries, cherries, butterflies and a walnut in a porcelain bowl on a wooden ledge
Grapes, blackberries, cherries, butterflies and a walnut in a porcelain bowl on a wooden ledge

Jan van Kessel the Elder Egyptian geese, a red breasted merganser and other birds on a shore, a town beyond
Egyptian geese, a red breasted merganser and other birds on a shore, a town beyond