Theodoor Rombouts

The Musicians

Theodoor Rombouts - The Musicians

Theodoor Rombouts
The Musicians
c. 1625-30
200 x 121.3 cm
Oil on canvas
Signed bottom center on one of the books: T. ROMBOVTS
Spencer Museum of Art, Universoty of Kansas, Lawrence
Museum Purchase


Earl of Plymouth, Oakley Park, Ludlow, Salop
Appleby Brothers, London
Robert Frank, London
sale Sotheby's, London, 13 July 1949, nr. 159
Harry Sperling (grandson of Kleinberger), New York
Kleinberger and Co., New York
museum purchase in 1950

Other works by Theodoor Rombouts

Theodoor Rombouts A Game of Cards
A Game of Cards

Theodoor Rombouts Musical company with Bacchus
Musical company with Bacchus
c. 1630

Theodoor Rombouts Christ driving the Money Changers from the Temple
Christ driving the Money Changers from the Temple

Theodoor Rombouts Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple
c. 1625/37

Theodoor Rombouts The Card Players
The Card Players
c. 1630