Circle of Lambert Sustris

Woman with Text Panel

Circle of Lambert Sustris - Woman with Text Panel

Circle of Lambert Sustris
Woman with Text Panel
1540 - 1570
20.3 x 12 cm
Oil on panel
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


sale, Marquess of Linlithgow et al. [section G. Brauer, Nice], London (Christie’s), 5 July 1929, nr. 34, as Sansovino (‘The virtues’), £ 18 5 s, with 5 other paintings in the series, to Prof. Dr Otto Lanz (1865-1935), Amsterdam, probably on behalf of Julius Wilhelm Edwin vom Rath (1863-1940), Amsterdam
by whom bequeathed, with 305 other objects, to the museum, 1941

External links

Rijksmuseum Accession number SK-A-3426

Other works by Lambert Sustris

Circle of Lambert Sustris Woman with Mirror
Woman with Mirror
1540 - 1570

Circle of Lambert Sustris Woman with Water Jug
Woman with Water Jug
1540 - 1570

Lambert Sustris The Education of Cupid
The Education of Cupid
c. 1540

Lambert Frederic Sustris Jupiter and Io
Jupiter and Io

Workshop of Lambert Sustris Portrait of a bearded man
Portrait of a bearded man