Count Moritz von Fries, Vienna (1777-1826) (Lugt 2903)
Sir Thomas Lawrence, London (1769-1830) (Lugt 2445)
John Watkins Brett, London (1805-1863)
sale Christie's, 8 April 1864, nr. 498, 'S. Rosa – A rocky scene &c. – pen and ink. 3', (8s to Bloxam)
M.H. Bloxam, by whom given to Rugby School Art Museum; with his inscription, date and attribution 'Rugby School Art Museum/ e dono Matt H Bloxam 1880/ Salvator Rosa?/ From the collection of Sir Thomas Lawrence' (on the mount)
sale Christie's, London, Old Masters/New Scholars: Works of Art Sold to Benefit Rugby School, 4 December 2018, nr. 53