Simeon Solomon

A Hebrew girl

Simeon Solomon - A Hebrew girl

Simeon Solomon
A Hebrew girl
302 x 213 mm
Pencil with touches of white chalk and with scratching out on paper
Sale Christie's, London, 11 July 2018


with Maas Gallery, London
sale Christie's, London, 11 July 2018, nr. 4

Other works by Simeon Solomon

Simeon Solomon A bishop of the Eastern Church
A bishop of the Eastern Church

Simeon Solomon Study of a youth
Study of a youth

Simeon Solomon Mercury and Proserpina
Mercury and Proserpina

Simeon Solomon Christ and a Youth
Christ and a Youth

Simeon Solomon Ecce Ancilla Domini (Behold the Handmaid of the Lord)
Ecce Ancilla Domini (Behold the Handmaid of the Lord)