Jean Baptiste Vanmour

Sultan Mahmud I


Jean Baptiste Vanmour - Sultan Mahmud I

Jean Baptiste Vanmour
Sultan Mahmud I
c. 1730 - c. 1737
33.5 x 26.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

External links

Rijksmuseum Accession number SK-A-2014

Other works by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour

Jean Baptiste Vanmour Turkish Women in the Countryside near Istanbul
Turkish Women in the Countryside near Istanbul
c. 1720 - c. 1737

Jean Baptiste Vanmour The First Day of School
The First Day of School
c. 1720 - c. 1737

Jean Baptiste Vanmour Sultan Ahmed III
Sultan Ahmed III
c. 1727 - c. 1730

Jean Baptiste Vanmour Grand Vizier Nevsehirli Damat Ibrahim Pasa
Grand Vizier Nevsehirli Damat Ibrahim Pasa
c. 1727 - c. 1730

Jean Baptiste Vanmour The Meal in Honour of Ambassador Cornelis Calkoen
The Meal in Honour of Ambassador Cornelis Calkoen
c. 1727 - c. 1730