Jacob van Ruisdael

Beachscape with Dunes

Jacob van Ruisdael - Beachscape with Dunes

Jacob van Ruisdael
Beachscape with Dunes
87 x 110 cm
Oil on canvas
Formerly C. von Pannwitz, Heemstede


Catalogues raisonnés
Smith Suppl. 28
HdG 926, possibly 931
Ros 568
Slive 629

Other works by Jacob van Ruisdael

Jacob van Ruisdael Landscape with a River and a Ruin
Landscape with a River and a Ruin

Jacob van Ruisdael Ruins and a Cottage in a Dune Landscape
Ruins and a Cottage in a Dune Landscape

Jacob van Ruisdael Winter Landscape with a View of a Town and Wooden Bridge
Winter Landscape with a View of a Town and Wooden Bridge

Jacob van Ruisdael Rocky Cliffs and a View of the Bentheim Castle
Rocky Cliffs and a View of the Bentheim Castle

Jacob van Ruisdael Low Waterfall in a Hilly Wooded Landscape
Low Waterfall in a Hilly Wooded Landscape