David Vinckboons

Festive Peasants, Soldiers, and Harlots

David Vinckboons - Festive Peasants, Soldiers, and Harlots

David Vinckboons
Festive Peasants, Soldiers, and Harlots
c. 1603 - c. 1608
271 × 376 mm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


Collection catalogues
Marijn Schapelhouman, Nederlandse tekeningen omstreeks 1600 in het Rijksmuseum, The Hague, 1987, nr. 96

External links

Rijksmuseum Accession number RP-T-1893-A-2809

Other works by David Vinckboons

David Vinckboons Moses and the Burning Bush
Moses and the Burning Bush
c. 1609 - c. 1611

David Vinckboons The Annunciation to the Shepherds
The Annunciation to the Shepherds

David Vinckboons Village kermis
Village kermis

David Vinckboons Nautical Company
Nautical Company
c. 1610

David Vinckboons Adam and Eve in paradise with Animals
Adam and Eve in paradise with Animals
c. 1615-18 or later