Vincent van Gogh

Farms near Auvers

Vincent van Gogh - Farms near Auvers

Vincent van Gogh
Farms near Auvers
50 x 100 cm
Oil on canvas
Tate Gallery, London on loan to The National Gallery, London
Bequeathed by C. Frank Stoop 1933
On long-term loan to The National Gallery


Catalogues raisonnés
F 793
JH 2114

Collection catalogues
Christopher Baker and Tom Henry, The National Gallery complete illustrated catalogue, London, 2001, p. 770

Ingo F. Walther, Rainer Metzger, Vincent van Gogh, Köln, 1993, p. 694
Jill Lloyd and Michael Peppiatt (eds.), Van Gogh and Expressionism, Ostfildern, 2007, plate 45
Bernhard Echte, Walter Feilchenfeldt, Kunstsalon Bruno & Paul Cassirer, 2011, p. 87
Martin Bailey, The Sunflowers Are Mine, London, 2013, fig. 51
Maite van Dijk, Magne Bruteig and Leo Jansen (eds.), Munch : Van Gogh, Brussels; Amsterdam; Oslo, 2015, fig. 131


Theo van Gogh, Paris, 1890
Jo van Gogh-Bonger, Amsterdam, 1891
Bernheim-Jeune Gallery, Paris, 1907
Alfred Walter von Heymel, Bremen, 1910
with Paul Cassirer Gallery, Berlin, 1910
Cornelis Frank (Frederick) Stoop, London, 1910
Tate Gallery, London, 1933 (Stoop bequest)
National Gallery, London, 1997 (long-term loan from Tate)

External links

National Gallery, London Accession number L711

Other works by Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh Interior of a Restaurant
Interior of a Restaurant

Vincent van Gogh Self-portrait with pipe and glass
Self-portrait with pipe and glass

Vincent van Gogh A table in front of a window with a glass of absinthe and a carafe
A table in front of a window with a glass of absinthe and a carafe

Vincent van Gogh Old Man in Sorrow
Old Man in Sorrow

Vincent van Gogh Bridges Across the Seine at Asnières
Bridges Across the Seine at Asnières