Follower of Luca Giordano

The Idolatry of Solomon

Follower of Luca Giordano - The Idolatry of Solomon

Follower of Luca Giordano
The Idolatry of Solomon
92.5 x 132 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 27 October 2004


Sale Bonhams, London, 27 October 2004, nr. 52 (bought in)

Other works by Luca Giordano

Circle of Luca Giordano The Presentation in the Temple
The Presentation in the Temple

Circle of Luca Giordano The Adoration of the Magi
The Adoration of the Magi

Studio of Luca Giordano Christ among the doctors
Christ among the doctors

Luca Giordano The Brazen Serpent
The Brazen Serpent

Circle of Luca Giordano An astronomer resting his hands upon a celestial globe
An astronomer resting his hands upon a celestial globe