Jacob van Oost the Elder

A young man at a stone window

Jacob van Oost the Elder - A young man at a stone window

Jacob van Oost the Elder
A young man at a stone window
89 x 75.2 cm
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated on ledge, lower centre: I.V.OOST.F: 1646
Sale Bonhams, London, 8 July 2009


Acquired by Jean-François Michiels in Saint Petersburg, circa 1854
his collection, Bruges
his daughters, Coralie and Léonie Michiels, 1907, and thence by family descent to the present owner
sale Bonhams, London, 8 July 2009, nr. 67

Other works by Jacob van Oost the Elder

Jacob van Oost the Elder Young Man Writing
Young Man Writing

Jacob van Oost the Elder Two Boys Blowing Bubbles
Two Boys Blowing Bubbles
c. 1640-50

Jacob van Oost the Elder Adoration of the Shepherds
Adoration of the Shepherds

Jacob van Oost the Elder Boy

Jacob van Oost the Elder An Old Man and a Boy: Allegory of the Ages of Man
An Old Man and a Boy: Allegory of the Ages of Man
c. 1645