Thomas Rowlandson

A boxing match with a large crowd gathered

Thomas Rowlandson - A boxing match with a large crowd gathered

Thomas Rowlandson
A boxing match with a large crowd gathered
286 x 369 mm
Pencil, pen and ink and watercolour on laid paper
Bears signature and date, lower right: Rowlandson 1786.
Sale Bonhams, London, 3 July 2013

Other works by Thomas Rowlandson

Thomas Rowlandson A farm scene
A farm scene

Thomas Rowlandson A Cornish wrestling match
A Cornish wrestling match

Thomas Rowlandson Figures outside an inn
Figures outside an inn

Thomas Rowlandson Reculver Church, Kent
Reculver Church, Kent

Thomas Rowlandson Figures boating before a country house
Figures boating before a country house