Circle of Peter Lely

Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a gold satin dress with a lilac wrap and a pearl necklace, within a painted stone oval

Circle of Peter Lely - Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a gold satin dress with a lilac wrap and a pearl necklace, within a painted stone oval

Circle of Peter Lely
Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a gold satin dress with a lilac wrap and a pearl necklace, within a painted stone oval
69.3 x 56.3 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 28 October 2009


The Collection of Theresa Moores and thence by descent to Alexander Moores, 1971 (according to a label on the reverse)
Sale Bonhams, London, 21 April 2009, nr. 189 (bought in)
Sale Bonhams, London, 28 October 2009, nr. 65

Other works by Pieter Lely

After Peter Lely Portrait of Prince Rupert, bust-length
Portrait of Prince Rupert, bust-length
18th Century

Studio of Peter Lely Portrait of a lady, three-quarter length
Portrait of a lady, three-quarter length

After Peter Lely Portrait of Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon (1609-1674), Lord High Chancellor, three-quarter-length
Portrait of Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon (1609-1674), Lord High Chancellor, three-quarter-length
17th Century

Follower of Peter Lely Portrait of a young lady, bust-length, in a gold dress
Portrait of a young lady, bust-length, in a gold dress

After Peter Lely Portrait of Anne, Countess of Pembroke (1590-1676)
Portrait of Anne, Countess of Pembroke (1590-1676)
late 17th Century