Circle of Karel van Mander

Portrait of a gentleman, bust-length, wearing a turban

Circle of Karel van Mander - Portrait of a gentleman, bust-length, wearing a turban

Circle of Karel van Mander
Portrait of a gentleman, bust-length, wearing a turban
40.5 x 26.4 cm
Oil on panel
Sale Bonhams, London, 2 November 2005

Other works by Karel van Mander

Karel van Mander The Annunciation to the Virgo
The Annunciation to the Virgo

Karel van Mander Christ Blessing the Children
Christ Blessing the Children

Karel van Mander Study of a Man
Study of a Man

Karel van Mander Christ washing the Apostles' Feet
Christ washing the Apostles' Feet

Karel van Mander The Last Supper
The Last Supper