Daniel Seghers and Erasmus Quellinus

Roses, narcissi, tulips, snowdrops, morning glory, hyacinths, jasmine and other flowers 84.6 x 64.4 cm. (33¼ x 25 3/8 in.)

Daniel Seghers and Erasmus Quellinus - Roses, narcissi, tulips, snowdrops, morning glory, hyacinths, jasmine and other flowers 84.6 x 64.4 cm. (33¼ x 25 3/8 in.)

Daniel Seghers and Erasmus Quellinus
Roses, narcissi, tulips, snowdrops, morning glory, hyacinths, jasmine and other flowers 84.6 x 64.4 cm. (33¼ x 25 3/8 in.)
84.6 x 64.4 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 4 July 2007


The della Faille family
Sale Bonhams, London, 5 July 2006, nr. 64 (bought in)
Sale Bonhams, London, 4 July 2007, nr. 81