Leandro Bassano

An Allegory of Summer

Leandro Bassano - An Allegory of Summer

Leandro Bassano
An Allegory of Summer
140 x 190 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 8 December 2010


A noble Roman family and thence by descent to the present owner
sale Bonhams, London, 8 December 2010, nr. 84

Other works by Leandro Bassano

Leandro Bassano The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
c. 1590

Attributed to Leandro Bassano The Lamentation
The Lamentation

Attributed to Leandro Bassano Portrait of a cardinal
Portrait of a cardinal

Atributed to Leandro Bassano Portrait of Doge Marcantonio Memmo
Portrait of Doge Marcantonio Memmo
c. 1612-15

Leandro Bassano Fra Gioacchino Torriani
Fra Gioacchino Torriani
c. 1600