Roses, tulips, chrysanthemums, jasmine and other flowers in a bronze urn on a stone ledge with grapes, peaches and pomegranates, a parrot on a branch above
Roses, tulips, chrysanthemums, jasmine and other flowers in a bronze urn on a stone ledge with grapes, peaches and pomegranates, a parrot on a branch above
Franz Werner Tamm
Tulips, carnations, morning glory, chrysanthemums and other flowers in a bronze urn on a stone ledge with a basket of grapes, peaches and a melon with a parrot and a rabbit nearby
The Palace of the Marquez de Praia e Monforte, Lisbon, in the nineteenth century and thence by family descent to the present owner
Sale Bonhams, London, 4 July 2007, nr. 35