Circle of Daniel Seghers

Portrait of a lady, three-quarter-length in a blue dress with pink and gold wraps

Circle of Daniel Seghers - Portrait of a lady, three-quarter-length in a blue dress with pink and gold wraps

Circle of Daniel Seghers
Portrait of a lady, three-quarter-length in a blue dress with pink and gold wraps
84 x 67.2 cm
Oil on copper
Sale Bonhams, London, 27 October 2004


Sale Bonhams, London, 27 October 2004, nr. 37 (bought in)

Other works by Daniel Seghers

Daniel Seghers Roses, tulips, and narcissi in a glass vase, with a butterfly, on a ledge
Roses, tulips, and narcissi in a glass vase, with a butterfly, on a ledge

Daniel Seghers and Erasmus Quellinus Roses, narcissi, tulips, snowdrops, morning glory, hyacinths, jasmine and other flowers 84.6 x 64.4 cm. (33¼ x 25 3/8 in.)
Roses, narcissi, tulips, snowdrops, morning glory, hyacinths, jasmine and other flowers 84.6 x 64.4 cm. (33¼ x 25 3/8 in.)

Circle of Daniel Seghers The Martyrdom of Saint Dorothea
The Martyrdom of Saint Dorothea

Daniel Seghers Portrait of Stadholder-King William III (1650-1702) surrounded by a Garland of Flowers
Portrait of Stadholder-King William III (1650-1702) surrounded by a Garland of Flowers

Circle of Daniel Seghers A tulip, carnations, a rose and other flowers in a glass vase
A tulip, carnations, a rose and other flowers in a glass vase