Cornelis Troost

Lady with Cupid and a Songbook


Cornelis Troost - Lady with Cupid and a Songbook

Cornelis Troost
Lady with Cupid and a Songbook
64.8 x 50 cm
Pastel and gouache on parchment
Mauritshuis, The Hague

External links

Mauritshuis, The Hague Accession number 411

Other works by Cornelis Troost

Cornelis Troost Three wardens of the Surgeons Guild
Three wardens of the Surgeons Guild

Cornelis Troost Inspection of a Cavalry Regiment, perhaps by William of Hesse-Homburg
Inspection of a Cavalry Regiment, perhaps by William of Hesse-Homburg

Cornelis Troost The Phoenix
The Phoenix
1720 - 1750

Cornelis Troost Unseemly Love
Unseemly Love
1720 - 1750

Cornelis Troost Portrait of a Man
Portrait of a Man