John Sell Cotman

A river landscape with a ruined castle

John Sell Cotman - A river landscape with a ruined castle

John Sell Cotman
A river landscape with a ruined castle
254 x 316 mm
Pencil, watercolour and bodycolour on grey wove paper, watermark BE & S 1828
Sale Bonhams, London, 23 October 2019


Sale, Sotheby's, London, 17 November 1983, nr. 103
with Nicholas Bowlby, Tunbridge Wells (according to a label on the reverse)
sale Bonhams, London, 23 October 2019, nr. 217 (bought in)

Other works by John Sell Cotman

John Sell Cotman South Burlingham Church, the tower seen from the north
South Burlingham Church, the tower seen from the north

John Sell Cotman On the River Wye at Chepstow
On the River Wye at Chepstow

John Sell Cotman An ox cart on a Norman bridge
An ox cart on a Norman bridge

John Sell Cotman Pull's Ferry, Norwich
Pull's Ferry, Norwich

John Sell Cotman Chedgrave Church
Chedgrave Church