Diana Beauclerk - Boudica

Diana Beauclerk
235 x 185 mm
Pencil, grey wash and watercolour on paper
Signed lower right: Lady Diana Beauclerk Hamilton
Sale Bonhams, London, 24 October 2012


Sir Horace Walpole, Strawberry Hill
The Earls of Strathmore and Kinghorne
Miss Joy Marine Betty Lyon (1902-1956), Keltie Castle, Dunning, Perthshire, and Goring Hall, West Sussex
Elizabeth Carnegy-Arbuthnot (died 1986), Hampton Court Lodge
Laura Nepean-Gubbins (died 1995), London, and thence by descent to the present owner
Sale Bonhams, London, 24 October 2012, nr. 274 (bought in)