Attributed to Antonie van Borssom

A moonlit river landscape with figures in a boat

Attributed to Antonie van Borssom - A moonlit river landscape with figures in a boat

Attributed to Antonie van Borssom
A moonlit river landscape with figures in a boat
53.5 x 83.2 cm
Oil on panel
Bears the monogram lower left: AV DN (the 'AV' and the 'DN' in ligature)
Sale Bonhams, London, 14 June 2006

Other works by Anthonie van Borssom

Anthonie van Borssom A moonlit river landscape
A moonlit river landscape

Anthonie van Borssom View of Schenkenschanz, with the Eltenberg, near Emmerich
View of Schenkenschanz, with the Eltenberg, near Emmerich

Anthonie van Borssom River landscape
River landscape

Anthonie van Borssom Cows

Anthonie van Borssom River Landscape with Two Men and a Dog
River Landscape with Two Men and a Dog