Giuseppe Zais

A rural landscape with peasants and animals

Giuseppe Zais - A rural landscape with peasants and animals

Giuseppe Zais
A rural landscape with peasants and animals
40.4 x 31.4 cm
Pen, ink and grey wash on paper
Sale Bonhams, London, 2 May 2012


With St. Helier Galleries, Jersey (according to a label on the reverse)
sale, Sotheby's, London, 7 July 2011, nr. 131
sale Bonhams, London, 2 May 2012, nr. 244 (bought in)

Other works by Giuseppe Zais

Giuseppe Zais Cow-herds resting on a path in an Italianate landscape
Cow-herds resting on a path in an Italianate landscape

Giuseppe Zais Cow-herds resting by a river in an Italianate landscape
Cow-herds resting by a river in an Italianate landscape

Giuseppe Zaïs Landscape with Figures
Landscape with Figures
1730 - 1770

Giuseppe Zais A rocky river landscape with figures resting beside the bank, drovers crossing a bridge beyond
A rocky river landscape with figures resting beside the bank, drovers crossing a bridge beyond

Giuseppe Zais A river landscape with pastoral figures
A river landscape with pastoral figures