
Seated Man with Long Hair, Hands Folded

Rembrandt - Seated Man with Long Hair, Hands Folded

Seated Man with Long Hair, Hands Folded
c. 1648
135 x 96 mm
Black chalk on paper
Collection of Bob P. Haboldt, Paris


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch -
Schatborn D374


2011 Rembrandt and the Face of Jesus, Nr. 33

Other works by Rembrandt

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Manius Curius Dentatus Refuses the Gifts of the Samnites
c. 1633-34

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Sarah Complaining of Hagar to Abraham
c. 1643-44

Rembrandt Esau Selling His Birthright to Jacob
Esau Selling His Birthright to Jacob
c. 1640

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Sketch for the Two Figures Seated at a Table
c. 1635

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Jan Six with a Dog