Circle of Simon de Vos

Susannah and the Elders

Circle of Simon de Vos - Susannah and the Elders

Circle of Simon de Vos
Susannah and the Elders
116.6 x 95.7 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 21 April 2009

Other works by Simon de Vos

Simon de Vos A tavern interior with a fortune-teller
A tavern interior with a fortune-teller

Circle of Simon de Vos An elegant company merrymaking at the entrance to a grotto
An elegant company merrymaking at the entrance to a grotto

Simon de Vos The Penitent Magdalen
The Penitent Magdalen

Simon de Vos The Meeting of Esau and Jacob
The Meeting of Esau and Jacob

Simon de Vos The Death of Decius Mus
The Death of Decius Mus