Private collection, Germany
sale, Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG, Bern, 2-5 May 1979, nr. 706
probably Reiner and Elisabeth Schöpke, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
sale, Sotheby’s, London, 29 October and 5 November 1986, 1st day, nr. 107
sale, Sotheby’s, New York, 14 January 1988, nr. 95
Mauro Herlitzka, Buenos Aires, by 4 January 1990
with Jack Kilgore & Co., Inc., New York, by February 1994
sold 24 February 1994 to Mr. (1931-2018) and Mrs. John Ely Pflieger, Washington, D.C.
sale, Christie, Manson & Woods, New York, 20 October 2018, nr. 30, as Roses, Tulips, and Other Flowers, withdrawn
gift 2020 to NGA