After Godfrey Kneller

Portrait of Queen Mary II, half-length, in a pink silk dress

After Godfrey Kneller - Portrait of Queen Mary II, half-length, in a pink silk dress

After Godfrey Kneller
Portrait of Queen Mary II, half-length, in a pink silk dress
18th Century
72.8 x 60.7 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 13 April 2011


Sale Christie's, Amsterdam, 5 September 2000, nr. 676
sale Bonhams, London, 13 April 2011, nr. 132 (bought in)

External links

RKD 204405

Other works by Godfrey Kneller

Follower of Godfrey Kneller Portrait of King William III, bust-length
Portrait of King William III, bust-length

Studio of Godfrey Kneller Portrait of a girl, bust-length, in a pink dress and blue shawl
Portrait of a girl, bust-length, in a pink dress and blue shawl

After Godfrey Kneller Portrait of William Congreve, half-length, in a blue coat
Portrait of William Congreve, half-length, in a blue coat
19th Century

After Godfrey Kneller A full length portrait of William III
A full length portrait of William III

Circle of Godfrey Kneller Portrait of young woman, as Venus, in a chariot drawn by doves
Portrait of young woman, as Venus, in a chariot drawn by doves