After Titian

Venus with an organist and a dog

After Titian - Venus with an organist and a dog

After Titian
Venus with an organist and a dog
18th Century
46.6 x 75.8 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 29 October 2014

Other works by Titian

Titian Portrait of Charles V
Portrait of Charles V

After Titian Venus blinding Love
Venus blinding Love
18th Century

Follower of Titian Portrait of a noble lady, three-quarter-length, in a red dress
Portrait of a noble lady, three-quarter-length, in a red dress

Titian Emperor Charles V with a Hound
Emperor Charles V with a Hound

Titian Antoine Perroneau, Cardinal Granvelle
Antoine Perroneau, Cardinal Granvelle
c. 1548