Francesco de Mura

Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery

Francesco de Mura - Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery

Francesco de Mura
Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery
99 x 124.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 9 July 2003


Morris I. Kaplan, Chicago, 1968
Anonymous sale, Sotheby's, London, 16 April, 1980, nr. 79
Sale Bonhams, London, 9 July 2003, nr. 28 (bought in)

Other works by Francesco de Mura

Francesco de Mura The Madonna and Child
The Madonna and Child

Francesco de Mura Allegory of the Arts
Allegory of the Arts
c. 1747-50

Francesco de Mura The Virgin with Saints Joachim and Saint Anne
The Virgin with Saints Joachim and Saint Anne

Francesco de Mura The Education of the Virgin
The Education of the Virgin

Francesco de Mura Portrait of a gentleman, seated half-length, at a table
Portrait of a gentleman, seated half-length, at a table