Govaert Flinck

The Sacrifice of Isaac

Govaert Flinck - The Sacrifice of Isaac

Govaert Flinck
The Sacrifice of Isaac
48.2 x 37.2 cm
Oil on panel
Sale Bonhams, London, 3 December 2014


With O. Dolche, Berlin, 1908
with Wagenhoff, Paris
with Kleinberger, Paris/ New York, 1911
collection of AmedeƩ Prouvost
his sale, Fievez, Brussels, 20 June 1928, nr. 36, ill., fig, XI (as Aert de Gelder)
with Galerie De Heuvel, Brussels, 1965
with John Hoogsteder, The Hague, where purchased by
Alfred Bader, Milwaukee, 1971
private collection, USA
sale Bonhams, London, 3 December 2014, nr. 89

Other works by Govert Flinck

Govert Flinck Portrait of Ingeltje Thoveling
Portrait of Ingeltje Thoveling
c. 1645

Govert Flinck Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679), Poet
Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679), Poet

Govert Flinck Man with a Beard
Man with a Beard

Govert Flinck Portrait of a lady in a turban
Portrait of a lady in a turban

Govert Flinck Saskia as a Shepherdess
Saskia as a Shepherdess