Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine (1658–1716), Düsseldorf
by inheritance to his brother, Karl III Philipp, Elector Palatine (1661–1742), Düsseldorf, and from 1730, Mannheim
by inheritance to his nephew, Karl Theodor, Elector Palatine, and from 1777, Elector of Bavaria (1724–1799), Mannheim, and from 1777, Munich
by inheritance to his successor, Maximilian IV Joseph, Elector Palatine and Elector of Bavaria, and from 1806, King of Bavaria, as Maximilian I Joseph (1756-1825), Munich
by descent in the Bavarian Royal Collection, Munich, from 1822, and subsequently the Königliche Pinakothek (Royal Pinakothek, later Alte Pinakothek, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen), Munich, by 1838
given, with another painting, 10 December 1935 to (
Julius Böhler, Munich), in exchange for three Bernhard Strigel paintings
sold 11 January 1936 to (Galerie Stern, Düsseldorf)
Max Stern (1904-1987), Düsseldorf
sold before September 1938 to Richard Friede (1883-1944), Bocholt, Germany, and from 1941, New York
by descent to his daughter, Ursula Friede Bamberger (1922-2019)
Ursula and Gerald Bamberger, Silver Spring, Maryland
sold c. 1992 to (
Otto Naumann Ltd., New York) in partnership with (Roman Herzig/Galerie Sanct Lucas, Vienna)
sold c. 1992 to (Bernheimer Fine Old Masters, Munich)
sold 1995 to Marietta Vok (d. 2019), near Villach, Austria
gift January 2018 to private collection, Italy
consigned March 2020 to (David Koetser Gallery, Zurich)
purchased November 2020 by NGA