Vincent van Gogh

Lane in Voyer-d'Argenson Park at Asnières

Vincent van Gogh - Lane in Voyer-d'Argenson Park at Asnières

Vincent van Gogh
Lane in Voyer-d'Argenson Park at Asnières
59 x 81 cm
Oil on canvas
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven


Catalogues raisonnés
F 276
JH 1259

Ingo F. Walther, Rainer Metzger, Vincent van Gogh, Köln, 1993, p. 240
Martin Bailey, Van Gogh and Britain, Edinburgh, 2006, fig. 24
Sjraar van Heugten, Joachim Pissarro and Chris Stolwijk, Van Gogh and the Colours of the Night, Brussels, 2008, fig. 64
Richard Kendall, Sjraar van Heugten, Chris Stolwijk, Van Gogh and nature, Williamstown, Massachusetts; New Haven, Connecticut, 2015, fig. 90


Theo van Gogh, Paris, 1887
Jo van Gogh-Bonger, Amsterdam, 1891
V.W. van Gogh, Laren, 1925
Leopold Sutro, london, 1928
Sotheby's, London, 10 November 1943, lot 103
Arthur Tooth Gallery, London, 1943
Royan Middleton, Dundee and Aberdeen, by 1951
Alex Reid & Lefevre Gallery, London, 1955
Sam Salz Gallery, New York
Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Luce, New York, 1956
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, 1958 (donated by Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Luce)

Other works by Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh Vincent's Bedroom
Vincent's Bedroom

Vincent van Gogh Self-portrait

Vincent van Gogh Vegetable gardens in Montmartre and the Moulin de Blute-Fin
Vegetable gardens in Montmartre and the Moulin de Blute-Fin

Vincent van Gogh The Flowering Orchard
The Flowering Orchard

Vincent van Gogh Self-Portrait with Straw Hat
Self-Portrait with Straw Hat