Follower of Paulus Moreelse

A young woman looking in a mirror

Follower of Paulus Moreelse - A young woman looking in a mirror

Follower of Paulus Moreelse
A young woman looking in a mirror
85.7 x 72.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 14 June 2006


Sale Bonhams, London, 14 June 2006, nr. 193 (bought in)

Other works by Paulus Moreelse

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Venus and Adonis

Paulus Moreelse Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of a Lady

Paulus Moreelse Girl

Paulus Moreelse Two Girls in Pastoral Costume
Two Girls in Pastoral Costume

Paulus Moreelse Portrait of Sophia Hedwig, Countess of Nassau-Dietz, as Charity with her Children
Portrait of Sophia Hedwig, Countess of Nassau-Dietz, as Charity with her Children