Vincent van Gogh

Landscape with Canal and Sailing Boat

Vincent van Gogh - Landscape with Canal and Sailing Boat

Vincent van Gogh
Landscape with Canal and Sailing Boat
314 x 421 mm
Pen, pencil, washed
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam


Catalogues raisonnés
F 1104
JH 424

Sjraar van Heugten, Joachim Pissarro and Chris Stolwijk, Van Gogh and the Colours of the Night, Brussels, 2008, fig. 56
Sjraar Van Heugten, Les dessins de Van Gogh, Arles, 2015, fig. 26


Probably left by the artist with his mother, Anna Cornelia van Gogh-Carbentus, Nuenen, November 1885
deposited by her with Schrauwen, Breda, 1886
sold by Schrauwen to J.C. Couvreur, Breda, 1902
sold to C. Mouwen and W. van Bakel, Breda, 1902
offered for sale at an exhibition at the Kunstzalen Oldenzeel, Rotterdam, 1903, no. 78, but remained unsold
acquired by art dealers Buffa, Amsterdam, 1904
sold, Frederik Müller, Amsterdam, May 3, 1904, no. 34
purchased at that sale by the poet Herman Gorter (d. 1927), Bussum
Kunstzalen d'Audretsch, The Hague, before 1928
G.H.E. van Suchtelen, The Hague
A.L.J. Einthoven-van Suchtelen, The Hague
art dealers Huinck and Scherjon, Amsterdam, 1953
Wilhelm Weinberg (d. 1957), Amsterdam and Scarsdale, New York
his sale, Sotheby's, London, July 10, 1957, no. 54
purchased at that sale by Philip J. Goldberg (d. 1969), London
his wife, Aimee Ethel Goldberg (d. 1986), London
her sale, Christie's, London, December 2, 1986, no. 127
purchased at that sale by the Van Gogh Museum, with the support of the Vincent van Gogh Foundation and the Vereniging Rembrandt

External links

RKD 270743
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam Accession number d0810M1986

Other works by Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh Arles: View from the Wheat Fields
Arles: View from the Wheat Fields

Vincent van Gogh Path in Montmartre with Sunflowers
Path in Montmartre with Sunflowers

Vincent van Gogh Sower with Setting Sun
Sower with Setting Sun

Vincent van Gogh Street in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
Street in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer

Vincent van Gogh Drawing Model: Muscles of the Male Body and Five Sketches of Sitting Nude Girl
Drawing Model: Muscles of the Male Body and Five Sketches of Sitting Nude Girl