After Quentin Massys

The Madonna and Child

After Quentin Massys - The Madonna and Child

After Quentin Massys
The Madonna and Child
early 17th Century
65.1 x 49.2 cm
Oil on panel
Sale Bonhams, London, 10 April 2019

Other works by Quinten Massys

Circle of Quentin Matsys The head of Saint John the Baptist
The head of Saint John the Baptist

Follower of Quentin Massys The Money Lenders
The Money Lenders

Joachim Patinir and Quinten Metsys The Temptation of Saint Anthony
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
c. 1522

Quinten Massys The Ugly Duchess
The Ugly Duchess
c. 1513

Quinten Massys Peter Gillis
Peter Gillis