Gysbert Gillisz. de Hondecoeter

A farmyard scene with chickens

Gysbert Gillisz. de Hondecoeter - A farmyard scene with chickens

Gysbert Gillisz. de Hondecoeter
A farmyard scene with chickens
59 x 77.5 cm
Oil on panel
Sale Bonhams, London, 24 October 2012

Other works by Gijsbert Gillisz. d' Hondecoeter

Gijsbert Gillisz. d'Hondecoeter Hilly Landscape with Hunters ('The Hunt)
Hilly Landscape with Hunters ('The Hunt)

Gijsbert Gillisz d' Hondecoeter Cock and Hens in a Landscape
Cock and Hens in a Landscape

Gijsbert Gillisz. de Hondecoeter Landscape with Herdsmen
Landscape with Herdsmen

Gijsbert Gillisz d' Hondecoeter Cock and Hens in a Landscape
Cock and Hens in a Landscape

Gijsbert Gillisz. d'Hondecoeter Waterfowl