Circle of Marco Ricci

Italianate landscape with travellers on a path

Circle of Marco Ricci - Italianate landscape with travellers on a path

Circle of Marco Ricci
Italianate landscape with travellers on a path
27.5 x 30.5 cm
Gouache on paper
Sale Bonhams, London, 27 October 2004


The Collection of Lord Egmont, 19th Century
bequeathed to Miss Bridget Wheatley
collection of Mrs Hext
thence by descent to Arthur Hext, 1891 (all according to a label on the reverse)
sale Bonhams, London, 27 October 2004, nr. 105

Other works by Marco Ricci

Marco Ricci An extensive Italianate landscape with a horseman on a country path
An extensive Italianate landscape with a horseman on a country path

Studio of Marco Ricci Figures amongst classical ruins
Figures amongst classical ruins

Attributed to Marco Ricci A wooded river landscape with herders and their animals
A wooded river landscape with herders and their animals

Circle of Marco Ricci A capriccio of Roman ruins with the Flight into Egypt
A capriccio of Roman ruins with the Flight into Egypt

Circle of Marco Ricci An Italianate landscape with figures beside a lake
An Italianate landscape with figures beside a lake