Studio of Godfrey Kneller

Portrait of a girl, bust-length, in a pink dress and blue shawl

Studio of Godfrey Kneller - Portrait of a girl, bust-length, in a pink dress and blue shawl

Studio of Godfrey Kneller
Portrait of a girl, bust-length, in a pink dress and blue shawl
37 x 32 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 13 April 2011


Sale Bonhams, London, 13 April 2011, nr. 129 (bought in)

Other works by Godfrey Kneller

Attributed to Godfrey Kneller Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length, in a green coat with a hat under his arm
Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length, in a green coat with a hat under his arm

Follower of Godfrey Kneller Portrait of King William III, bust-length
Portrait of King William III, bust-length

After Godfrey Kneller Portrait of William Congreve, half-length, in a blue coat
Portrait of William Congreve, half-length, in a blue coat
19th Century

After Godfrey Kneller Portrait of Queen Mary II, half-length, in a pink silk dress
Portrait of Queen Mary II, half-length, in a pink silk dress
18th Century

After Godfrey Kneller A full length portrait of William III
A full length portrait of William III