Attributed to Giuseppe Nogari

Portrait of a young girl, bust-length, in a green dress with a black felt hat

Attributed to Giuseppe Nogari - Portrait of a young girl, bust-length, in a green dress with a black felt hat

Attributed to Giuseppe Nogari
Portrait of a young girl, bust-length, in a green dress with a black felt hat
46.2 x 36.7 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 5 December 2018

Other works by Giuseppe Nogari

Giuseppe Nogari The Moneylender
The Moneylender

Attributed to Giuseppe Nogari Archimedes

Attributed to Giuseppe Nogari An elderly lady holding a rosary
An elderly lady holding a rosary

Giuseppe Nogari A Philosopher
A Philosopher

Attributed to Giuseppe Nogari Portrait of an old woman
Portrait of an old woman